Bitcoin Cash

This is the most famous “alternative version” of bitcoin. It appeared in August 2017 at the same time as the updated BTC. The code of BCH is closer to the code of the original BTC than the code of the updated BTC, since all transaction data in it is still recorded in the blockchain. The main difference between BCH and the original BTC is the eightfold increase in block size (from 1MB to 8MB). Over time, this threatens the blockchain to rapidly grow the size of the registry file, but it already provides high transaction speeds and low fees. Some activists, such as Roger Wehr, consider BCH a more “true bitcoin” than the updated BTC.

The first months of exchange success BCH was doubtful: setting a record of $900 in August, in September-October it fell in price to $300. But in November, on the wave of statements of some developers and other opinion leaders about the problems and benefits of BTC, BCH went up to $2400, then corrected to $1300, and in December it rose again. It is now worth about $1600.